Nervous System Mapping Workshop

Finding Safety & Connection through Polyvagal Theory


In person at Felt Sense Psychotherapy

12 Congress St, Milford, MA 01757

Investment: $65

Who is this for?

This workshop is designed to support women and female-embodied individuals ages 16+ experiencing chronic stress, burnout, or PTSD/C-PTSD.

This workshop is also suitable for professionals in the helping field interested in supporting their clients from a body-based lens, as well as individuals curious to learn and experience ways to optimize their mental, emotional, and physical well-being through nervous system regulation.

*This workshop is not intended to treat active addiction, psychosis, or severely destabilized mental health conditions. Please note that this information is not a substitute for therapy. Consider how you might find a safe person or therapist to process this information with. I am happy to hear from you if you'd like to explore therapy options.

Your nervous system is in charge of keeping you safe.

It's constantly scanning the world and assessing both safety and risk - was that sound a squirrel rushing past, or a predator ready to attack?

Problems arise when your nervous system believes that a challenging conversation, or problems like an unexpected email from your boss, are actual life-or-death situations.

This causes nervous system dysregulation, leading to a host of body/mind problems like hypervigilance, anxiety, avoidance, depression, dissociation, chronic pain, and IBS, to name a few.

While these stress responses once served us humans long ago, they no longer serve us in our modern environments.

So, what can you do to help yourself?

At Felt Sense Psychotherapy, we believe empowering you with the knowledge and tools to understand your nervous system is essential to healing.

In this workshop, we will learn the landscape of the nervous system through the lens of Polyvagal Theory.

You’ll discover what triggers your survival responses (fight, flight, freeze, fawn) and recognize your ‘glimmers’ - those moments or experiences that shape your system towards safety, peace, and connection. This is achieved without rehashing your past trauma.

In this workshop we will move through a Three Tiered Mapping Sequence:

1. Your Personal Profile Map: In our first map, we explore the characteristics of each of your survival states. This involves a detailed look at your behaviors, emotions, bodily sensations, thought patterns, and daily routines in each state. This map is about learning the language of your body and mind.

2. Your Triggers & Glimmers Map: In our second map, we more deeply explore and identify your unique triggers and the soothing glimmers. Bringing these into conscious awareness is the first step in regaining control over your responses.

3. Your Regulating Resources Map: This map is all about the practices and routines that can help bring you out of survival states. Here you will discover and learn to harness the innate tools you possess for navigating past traumas and managing future stresses. 

Together we will identify what feels safe, understand how trauma responses feel in your body, and equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to navigate them.

If you are ready to gain a deeper understanding of your unique nervous system and take the next step on your journey of self-discovery and healing, I invite you to join the Nervous System Mapping Workshop by signing up at the link below.

Once payment is submitted, you will soon receive a link to fill out required practice documents.

What will I get out of the Nervous System Mapping Workshop?

  • Connect with an embodied sense of calm and presence

  • Stay grounded and centered in stressful situations

  • Feel a deeper connection with yourself and those you care about

  • Move through life with increased compassion and self-love

  • Create sustainable change beyond the limitations of mind-based, cognitive strategies

  • Learn to hit the pause on autonomic reactions that lead to distressing physical, mental, and emotional symptoms

  • Understand what moves you towards and away from safety and connection with self and others

  • Be a more loving, accepting and caring member of your family, community and the world