New Around Here?!


Welcome, welcome, welcome! I'm so glad you landed here! I'm very excited to be here, sharing my words with you! Truth is, I've low-key wanted to start a blog for yearsss. I actually began working on this website back in 2018, but then I got pregnant and life kind of sent me on a different adventure. But alas- here we are! We've come full circle! And I figured for my very first blog *ever* I thought it might be a good idea to share a little about myself!

I'm Amy Williams! I'm a thirty-something year old, born and raised in Massachusetts! I feel most at peace when I'm near the water (but also v afraid of cruise ships, not my kinda thing!), I love live music (met my husband on the dance floor!), and am the mom to a sweet, crazy, curious toddler who most definitely keeps me on my toes!

I can't tell you exactly how I got to be where I am now. I went into college with a plan to be a high school English teacher, and yet here we are! Once again, life had different plans for me! I always felt it was a bit of a "calling" that I ended up as a mental health therapist. I pretty quickly came to realize that I was more intrigued by psychology than Shakespeare and ended up switching majors during the first week my freshman year of college.

And here we are! I've worked as a mental health counselor for five years now and it's been truly an honor. Like any profession it has its up and downs. Honestly, a huge down I had to adjust to was sitting so much. I nannied and worked on my feet (slaving away working doubles with ankle weights on like a lunatic) for 8 years while in school and then all of a sudden, I'm sitting all. the. time. What is this?! Panic sets in, was this the right thing for me?

And Thank you Lord Jesus I found yoga! At first it met the need I leaned hard into, of movement and being anchored in my body. My yang energy ran the show. Then to have to sit all the time was honestly a difficult adjustment. Yoga truly helped me move deeper than the physical, enough to let myself settle into the new role I had adopted in my life. And now I'm over here just embracing the wisdom. What the body and mind are capable of is beautiful and amazing to me!

So... what does it mean to be aligned, anyway? To me, it's more than a feeling. It's a way of being, a way of living on this earth plane. Being in alignment means being true to yourself. It's the sensation of energy flowing so freely within yourself that it extends beyond your physical body, radiating outwards so that others around you can feel it, too. It's the magic that happens when your words (that you speak with your mouth AND in your mind), your values, and your actions are in sync with one another. Being so completely raw and authentic that you're not trying to bull shit anyone, including yourself. Living in honesty and integrity. And of course alignment flow on physical and energetic levels as well, whether it's the chakras, the nadis, and even your bones! I've found there's no better feeling than being aligned.

But... does that mean I'm always in this state of being 'aligned?' Surely not! And you know, I'm okay with that! I do my best to welcome the vast array of the human experience, even when it feels stagnant, stale, and stuck. For me, gone are the days of "good vibes only". Without experiencing pain, loss, grief, or misery we would never truly know how amazing it feels when things DO line up for us! So while I'm certainly not always 'aligned,' it is a direction I keep going back to. It's the north star. It's when I feel home within myself.

So what can you expect here? I like to share about ways to work back into alignment on all the different layers- or koshas, that exist. I like to share tangible information that you could use to help improve your mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical state in this moment, right now. Personally speaking, holistic health care has changed my life in ways the Western dis-ease model never had. I love and appreciate the balance of Eastern and Western medical philosophies, and believe that the combination of having access to both is something I am grateful for. Whatever resonates with me and is something I benefit from and would like others to benefit from as well is what you can expect to hear from me!

Glad you are here! Til next time! :)

xO Amy Williams


So, What Exactly is Trauma-Sensitive Yoga?